Friday, June 5, 2020

White magic spell- real spells

 White magic - real love spells and more

Spells, or rather rituals, are an integral part of white magic. Any magician, wishing to perform a ritual, should prepare for it properly. There is no official recipe for the preparation process, however, it is known that casting a spell or incantation, requires concentration, tranquility and making contact with the four elements. Below I will give you some rituals that are useful in everyday life, you can perform them on yourself or another person, but remember that they must always be aimed at doing good, and never at harming someone else.  
    Put seven coriander seeds into a mortar. As you grind them, think of the people you want to unite with the bonds of love. Say the names of the people you want to bestow mutual love three times and say the incantation: "warm heart, warm soul, may they stay together forever." Then take a new (unused) glass, pour water into it and pour in crushed coriander. Raise your hands above the glass, concentrate and ask the elements in your mind for help. Say with conviction and faith the incantation: "let it happen!" and outline the sign of the cross over the glass. Set the glass with the liquid aside for 12 hours, and after that time, add the liquid to the food that the people who are going to fall in love with each other will eat.

    Ask the person who wants someone specific to fall in love with to write a sincere love letter. Later, she should carry the letter by her heart for more than an hour, then take it on her and arrange it on a red cloth accompanied by three red roses and three red lit candles. Close your eyes and make contact with the elements (especially the element of fire) and imagine a loving scene between two lovers. Repeat the ritual for three days at the same time. After this time, tell the person who wrote the letter to sprinkle it lightly with her perfume and send it to the man who is supposed to fall in love with her.

With love spells, however, you must be careful! They must not lead to the breakup of another relationship, nor must they be directed at lovers/lovers. Breaking up someone's relationship (including a person's own, who wants someone other than his/her partner/partner to fall in love with him/her), trying to "force" the affection of someone who already loves another person, involves harming someone. White magic in such a case will not only not work, but may turn against the person who wanted the ritual to be performed.  
    Go to nature with the person from whom you want to ward off evil powers (whom you want to protect from misfortune). Take off your shoes, or when that's not possible (e.g. in winter), put your hands on the ground. Focus and ask the earth element to listen to the spell. The person who is with you should also be focused and muted. Say three times, "all that is bad, let it seep into the earth, all that is bad, let it turn into good."
    Sit in a quiet, comfortable place. Calm down, breathe deeply, concentrate on communicating with the elements. Evoke in your mind an image of the person you want to surround with protection. Make three very deep inhalations and exhalations, say the incantation: "here and now I am unity, existence. The elemental forces unite in my heart, which supports the entire universe and is now with you (add the name of the person you are casting a protection spell on)."

White magic - spells for wealth

    Ask the person on whom you want to send wealth to prepare four coins, and prepare a green candle and a bowl of water. Sit together at a table with a lit candle and water on it. Calm yourselves and breathe deeply. Make contact with the elements. Put coins into the bowl of water. Let the person you are casting the spell on imagine the money filling their hands. After a few minutes of concentration, remove the coins from the water and direct the owner to spend them the same day. Pour out the water, saying the words: "every money spent returns to (name) multiplied".

    Go to the house of a person who wishes to be rich. Take with you a mixture containing a tablespoon of coffee, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon. At the home of the person you are casting the spell on, heat the mixture in a pan until it starts to smoke. Cover the apartment by walking clockwise along the walls, starting at the front door. While performing this ritual, repeat: "money come to (name) easily, quickly and joyfully from all sides. May material prosperity and abundance, constantly accompany (name). May (name) be wealthy and always have a wallet full of money." 

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