Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Intuition in love spells


Intuition in love spells is an essential part of spellcrafting. We all have the ability to hear from our higher selves how to make the right decisions, but first we must learn to still our minds. When we still our minds to its continual chatter, we can hear the softer tone of our inner voice — the voice of our higher selves, that part of us that is connected to the rest of humanity and to the universe itself. Meditation techniÄ…ues of one sort or another are used by magicians all over the world for this purpose. One of the easiest methods is to sit Ä…uietly in a comfortable chair by the light of a candle. Close the eyes and take three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Silently repeat the following: Idedicate thid moment to the powero of pure white light and allow the dtream of unioeroal energy to couroe through me unhindered by trivial and harmful thoughtd. Thid quiet moment connecto me to the core of creatire energy. Take ten deep breaths counting from ten to one. When you are ready, open your eyes and begin your day or use this peaceful moment to begin a spell. When repeated  love spell this method has marvelous effects. It can open our eyes to the beauty that exists everywhere, so often unnoticed. It can help make us feel and even look moreyouthful. Most importantly it allows the truth of the higher self to be unveiled. This method will also open the psychic points on your body. Learn  love spells to trust your insights and in time you will find that the voice of your intuition will be elear and unmistakable.