Sunday, June 28, 2020 reviews

In this article, I am describing
Spell offer is quite substantial - a few spells about love. Prices range from $ 249- $ 999 As with most of  websites, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the rituals have been performed. This is a very big minus. Website has been operating since 2018.  
In my opinion, it's hard to say if this website is noteworthy. It exist relatively soon, there aren't many reviews on the internet. If anyone has used services, please comment and share the results.

Saturday, June 27, 2020 reviews

In this text, I am describing

 On the, we only find a contact to spell caster and a listed list of rituals. We don't find any articles about magic or prices for rituals. Of course, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the rituals have been performed.

The website has existed since 2017. As for me,  website doesn't inspire my trust at all. If someone has used services, please share the results.

Friday, June 26, 2020 reviews

In this text, I am describing 

 The website offer include love spells, psychic reading and Traditional Healer. On the main page there is a note "Individual results may vary"  

However, when we go to the "love spells"  and start reading, we quickly find a sentence that promises immediate results: "This effective tool is my get your ex back now spell that really works immediately."
This fact makes the Spell Caster can be considered to be unreliable.

Furthermore there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the rituals have been performed. There are  no articles other than those in which it advertises its service. In my opinion, website is completely not worth the attention. Personally, I strongly advise against using the services of Dr. Ntutu.

Thursday, June 25, 2020 reviews

In my opinion is another scam. 

 Please note the main page where we read: "Please feel free to get in touch and you will be 100% guaranteed and assured that your worries will be solved."  

However, when you click on the SERVICES subpage and start reading, you  quickly encounter the text "Disclaimer: You must be 18 years or older to use any of spell services provided by Elder Nana including psychic reading, No warranties or guarantees are expressed results may vary from person to person depending on the situation. "  

Of course,  website doesn't contain any articles other than advertising. Once again, I warn you against these types of websites. reviews

The website provides its telephone number and contact form. 

 In my opinion, this is a scam. Why? Just read the note "100% guranteed solution" 

 I wrote earlier to stay away from such websites. reviews

In this article, I am describing 
 In my opinion, this  is another scam. Why do I think so?  
Well, the first thing that catches the eye when enter the site is a note with a 100% guarantee. No reputable site promises 100% results. Adding to this the fact that the website doesn't find any articles about love magic and esotericism, only short entries advertising and  offer,  we get a website that can be called a scam. I strongly advise against using this website.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Aura cleansing - key information

Aura cleansing is a spiritual practice that is often used to remove negative energy and restore balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. There are many different ways to cleanse the aura, and one popular method is the use of spells. In this article, we will discuss what aura cleansing spells are, how they work and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to perform them.

What is an aura cleansing spell?
An aura cleansing spell is a type of ritual or incantation that is used to remove negative energy from your aura. The aura is the energy field that surrounds your body and is said to be influenced by your thoughts, emotions and experiences. Negative energy can build up in your aura over time, causing it to become unbalanced and leading to physical, mental and emotional health problems. An aura cleansing spell can help remove this negative energy, restore balance to the aura and promote physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Spells can be performed using a variety of tools, including candles, crystals, incense and herbs, and can be tailored to specific needs and intentions.

How do aura cleansing spells work?

Aura cleansing spells work by using the power of intention and energy to remove negative energy from the aura. When you perform an aura cleansing spell, you create a concentrated intention to remove any negative energy that may be present in your aura. This intention is then reinforced by the energy you put into the spell, as well as the energy of any tools or materials you may be using.

The energy that is created by the spell is then channeled into your aura, where it helps to break down and remove any negative energy that may be present. This can help restore balance to your aura and promote physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Performing an aura cleansing spell
If you are interested in performing an aura cleansing spell, here is a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Set your intention
Before you begin your spell, take some time to set your intention. Think about what you want to achieve with your spell and what negative energy you want to remove from your aura. Write down your intention on a piece of paper and keep it nearby throughout the spell.

Step 2: Choose your tools
Choose the tools you want to use for your spell. These can be candles, crystals, incense or herbs. You can also create a sacred space for your spell using items such as a white cloth, a bowl of water or a piece of jewellery.

Step 3: Clear your space
Before you begin your spell, take some time to clear your space. This can be done with a sage smudge stick, incense or salt water. This helps to remove any negative energy that may be present in your space and helps to create a clear and focused energy for your spell.

Step 4: Light your candles or incense.
Once your space is cleared, light your candles or incense sticks. These items help to create a sacred and focused energy for your spell, and can also help to promote relaxation and calm.

Step 5: Focus your energy
Take some time to focus your energy on your intention. Visualise negative energy leaving your body and your aura becoming brighter and more balanced. You can also repeat a mantra or incantation to help strengthen your intention.

Step 6: Use your tools
If you are using crystals, you may wish to hold them in your hands or place them on your body. If you are using herbs, you may want to burn them or make them into a tea to drink. Allow the energy of your tools to flow into your aura, helping to break down and remove any negativity. reviews

In this text I am describing  

I came across this website by accident and decided to describe it, although there is nothing to do. Website launched recently, in 2020. There are no prices, no articles or there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the rituals have been performed.

 It looks like a scam. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 reviews

 Update 17.05.2023

In this article, I am describing Let me start with the fact that the website has been operating for many years. It was launched exactly in 2004. In this respect, this site can be called proven. The offer includes several spells for $ 125, only binding love spell costs $ 500. The website was also once present on social media. There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed.

 In my opinion, this is a site worth remembering. I am very curious if the spells for are effective. I will be grateful for your review.

Monday, June 22, 2020 reviews

In this text, I am describings  
The website has been around since 2019. Theres is an offer of love spells, marriage spells, business spells, which is just like on most websites. 
 Unfortunately, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. There are  no quoted prices.  There are no articles. 
The only thing we can find is a sales offer.  
To sum it all up, my assessment is negative. I am not prejudging whether Dr. Zuri is a scam. The only thing I can say is that website is completely untrustworthy. If anyone has used Dr. Zuri, please, comment and share your experiences. reviews

In this text I am describing 

 The website was created in 2018. There is  an offer of love spells at prices of $ 275-1250. There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. The site doesn't contain articles about love magic. 

 To be honest, didn't impress me much. Of course, the spell effects are the most important, so if any of you ordered from please leave a comment.

Sunday, June 21, 2020 reviews

In this post, I am describing 

 Another mini-site where we don't find basic information. There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. I am very surprised that spell casters are not able to provide such basic information on their websites.  

This is another site with no articles about love magic and esoterics. Prices for the rituals are  not given. 

 My opinion can only be negative. Such websites are to be avoided from a distance.

Friday, June 19, 2020 reviews

In this article, I am describing  

 The website offers several love spells. Prices range from $ 199- $ 749. The sales descriptions are short, in my opinion  could be more persuasive. There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. There aren't articles about love magic. The big downside is that the website has only been around for a year, so it's still completely untested. Even so, I'm curious about the effectiveness of the spells from If anyone has used it, please give me review. reviews

If someone reads my blog, he knows that I  criticize many sites that offer love spells. I criticize, because at first glance you can see that these are typically paid websites, not focused on real help in love situations. This time, however, I want to warn you completely.

The website is a total scam. This entry proves it: 

 Remember - if someone promises you the effects of love spells within 24 hours, it is definitely a scam. Never order anything from such websites. reviews

In this text, I am describing

Another phone page. So another typically profitable website. Of course, there aren't articles about magic. Only the phone number is given. I personally advise against using telephone spells casters.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Slavic love spells

 How to charm the man of your dreams? If you feel that you are not indifferent to a guy you care a lot about, you can try simple love spells with a photo. You won't need any secret formula or hard-to-find herbs. White magic will use the energy of your feelings. To perform the spell, you should gaze at the photo of your beloved with concentration and speak your good intentions out loud. It is important that the words come straight from the heart, so do not think about what to say. Love spells with a photo can also be performed to strengthen an existing feeling that has resulted in a relationship. For this you will need 2 photos - yours and your partner's. You will also need: a jar of bee honey, rose oil, a red candle, red thread and an unused needle. First rub the candles with the oil. Then fold the photos in half, in such a way that your images are on the inside. Sew the sides of the photographs with red thread, then hide them in a jar with honey. Place a candle on the lid. Light it and imagine your happy life all the time.

Slavic love spells

The Slavs used many ways to attract and sustain love. In our culture, handmade amulets to lure the beloved played a special role. Such a magical attribute can be made from three ribbons - red, green and white. They are braided into a braid, which is then capped with wax from a red candle. At the end, the talisman should be fused with wax from a willow branch. Slavic magic was so strong that maidens could even foretell for themselves who would become their husband in the future. To do this, they would cover the table with a white cloth, placing two covers on it - one for themselves and the other for their future beloved. They would then set up a mirror in front of the table, stand naked in front of it and focus their attention on their reflection. In their thoughts they would invite their future husband to the supper, until the figure of their future chosen one appeared in the surface of the mirror.

Love spells during the full moon

Love spells uttered during the full moon also show extraordinary power. According to ancient beliefs, this phase exerts the strongest influence on earthly affairs, since the Silver Globe stands in opposition to the Sun. During it, you should write down on a piece of paper all the characteristics of your ideal man. Then fold the piece of paper in half, smudge it with incense and hide it in an envelope. With your right hand, pluck petals from a scarlet rose, squeeze them tightly, then start thinking about a happy life alongside the partner of your dreams. Place the petals in an envelope, seal it, and make a seal at the joining point, placing a kiss with your lips painted with red lipstick. Be patient. You will feel the effects of your spell in the next six months. reviews

In this text, I am describing 

 It literally takes 10 minutes to create a website like It is enough to write 3 favorable opinions about yourself, create an e-mail and add a phone number. As for the phone number, I recommend you see it  

 Stay away from such scammers as possible.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 reviews

In this artcile I am describing  

Another "telephone spell caster". E-mail is also provided. Website contains only a short description, no articles. There isn't price quoted. There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed.

Website doesn't inspire trust at all and I personally would not use the services of such a spell caster. reviews

While discussing about, I could copy what I wrote about The site has virtually no content, apart from a few very short advertising texts about the rituals it wants to sell.

  Regarding blog entries .... there are three entries. Below I am pasting a link to one of them  

You can see that this site is completely not worthy of any attention. Stay away from these types of sites and advertisements.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 reviews

In this article, I am describing The description will be short because there is actually not much to describe. On the website you can  find the basic offer of love magic,  money spell and protection spell.  

The website has only been in existence since August 2020, which means it is completely new and untested. We don't find any articles about love magic. Only short descriptions of the rituals they want to sell. He rejects this approach. Of course, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed.

My opinion is definitely negative. Better not to order anything there. reviews

The website was created in 2012. We  will find an offer of white magic, black magic, as well as talismans, amulets and psychic readings. It is certainly one of the most relevant websites when it comes to love magic. On the website you can find several advertising videos from 

 It is definitely a big plus that has many articles about magic.  

When it comes to the most important -  the effectiveness of the love spells from this website, we  find a lot of opinions. Many positive, but also many negative. 

In my opinion this  website is noteworthy. If anyone has used the services of, please leave a comment.

Sunday, June 14, 2020 reviews

In this article I am describing  

On the website you  find the basic offer of love spells. Unfortunately, the prices of spells were not given, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed.  Website has been around since 2019. There are few opinions about on the internet. If any of you used this services, please comment. reviews is the next site that I describe on my blog. 

 Let me start with the fact that the site was created in 2019, which is relatively recently. On the website you find a phone number and an e-mail address. Honestly, this is a typical profit-oriented advertising website. We don't find any interesting articles about love magic or esoterics. Descriptions are also typically advertising.  

There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed The site displays on phrases related to love magic because it uses google ads. In summary - If you're looking for real help on love, you better stay away from this type os sites.

Saturday, June 13, 2020 reviews

In this article, I am describing 
Big plus is that the website has been around for many years. 
As for the offer - it is quite wide. We find a dozen spells about love magic. Prices are $ 113  
The downside is that we cannot read articles related to love magic, and the offer descriptions are very short. There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. All in all, website is pretty good compared to the others. At least we have the price quoted and we know the website has been around for many years. I am very curious about the effectiveness of the  spells. If you have used, please reviews.

Friday, June 12, 2020

How to know your personal lucky number?

 How to know your personal lucky number?

Numerology reveals to us the secrets of the meaning of numbers. It assumes that numbers, in addition to indicating a specific mathematical value, carry content. They speak about our character and disposition. They indicate our strengths and weaknesses. They warn of dangers or point to opportunities and possibilities. Which numbers are lucky? And does seven always belong to them?

In our culture it is accepted to consider thirteen as an unlucky number. The number 7, on the other hand, is attributed to luck. Is it rightly so? From the point of view of numerology, the matter is not so obvious. Admittedly, numbers carry a positive or negative message. However, their happiness or not is influenced by how we ourselves use the content behind them. From the meaning hidden in the numbers it is necessary to use, but with head.

A lucky seven?

The number 7 is widely regarded as a symbol of happiness and perfection. The ancients believed that from the number seven everything took its origin. Babylonian astronomers of the Far East knew 7 planets. In the Old Testament we have 7 days of the creation of the world, and Solomon took 7 years to build the temple. In Islam, too, the number has special significance. Pilgrims in Mecca circle the Al-Kaba temple seven times. It's hard not to agree that seven is magical. Does it therefore always guarantee happiness? Absolutely not. In 2007 there was a wedding boom in connection with the July 7 date. Couples around the world believed that three sevens in their wedding date would ensure a successful marriage. Time has shown that this was not the case, and the divorce rate among marriages contracted on July 7.2007 turned out to be much higher than for other dates. Happiness must be helped, it is true. However, if we go to our dream job interview, scheduled for 7 - ego, unprepared with the assumption that it is our lucky day after all, there is a high probability that we will not get the job. At least not because 7 is unlucky! Instead of relying on superstition, it is better to use professional numerology to determine the numbers that favor luck.

How to calculate your lucky number?

Use the following key to calculate your personal lucky number:

A, Ą, J, S = 1

B, K, T = 2

C, L, Ł, U = 3

D, M, V = 4

E, Ê, N, W = 5

F, O, Ó, X = 6

G, P, Y = 7

H, Q, Z, Ź, ¿ = 8

I, R = 9

First you need to calculate the number of first and last names. To do this, you need to assign a specific numerical value from the key to each letter. Then add all the digits together until you get the result from 1 to 9.

The next step is to calculate the birth number. All the digits from the exact date of birth need to be added together, again until a single-digit number is obtained.

The sum of the birth number and the number of your name is your personal number. To get your lucky number for the year, you need to add your personal number and the year's number together. In the case of 2018, its number is TWO (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2).

Example: Anna Nowak, born March 10, 1985.

The number of the name: 1 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4

Birth number: 1 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9

So the personal number is FOUR (4 + 9 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4)

And the lucky number in 2018 - SIX (4 + 2 = 6)

Anna Nowak, for example, might think about changing jobs in June or asking for a raise on the 6th. Six in 2018 is certainly a lucky number for her.

Numerology also allows you to determine specific lucky dates of the year. The calculation is done in the same way (the sum of the personal number and the number of the day, i.e. day, month, year).

Thursday, June 11, 2020 reviews

In this article, I am describing The website was created in 2009. There is  offer of love spells, such as attract & reunite love spells, return to me love spell, most potent black magic love spell. Prices range from $ 179- $ 399  

There is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. There are no articles about love magic and esotericism. Nevertheless, I am curious about your reviews about If someone has used the service and want to share your review, please comment. reviews

In this text, I am describing has a lot of love spells  for $ 285-475. Unfortunately, there aren't articles about love spells or esotericism, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the spells have been performed. The website has been in existence since 2018. 

 In my opinion the website is mediocre, doesn't inspire any great trust, but it doesn't look like a scam either. I am asking for your reviews about the effects of the spells ordered from reviews

In this text I am describing 

 Another love problem solving website for the phone. At the bottom of this website you  find many phrases related to love magic in order to make  website more visible in search engines. 

In short, a site not worth your attention unless you want to waste money on a pointless phone call. reviews

In this text I am describing This is a simple site with an offer of love spells as well as black magic rituals. There are no articles, there is no information as to whether we will receive any proof that the rituals have been performed. Prices were also not given.  

As you probably know from my previous posts, I don't really like these types of websites. Nevertheless, please give review if anyone has used reviews

This article I am describing 

 A very simple website with only a title page ... no articles, only phone and email contact given, and a few spells that can be ordered. I don't even need to write that such websites are completely unreliable, downright repulsive. I would like to add that the website has existed since 2020, which means it is completely untested. I don't want to prejudge whether this is a scam, but I definitely advise against using it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

 Chiromancy - the art of palm divination

 Chiromancy - the art of palm divination

The appearance of the hands makes it possible to interpret a person's character and personality and to learn about his fate. The discipline that deals with this is chiromancy, which, freely translated from Greek, simply means divination from the hand.

In 1913, the Congress of Experimental Psychology in Paris recognized chiromancy as a science. And in 1920, a psychology textbook entitled "Hand Reading" was written by philosopher and geneticist Ernest Isseberner-Haldane. The principles contained in his book are still relevant today.

Chiromancy - the basics

The basic premise of chiromancy is that no two hands are the same, even in the same person. Therefore, each hand must be interpreted separately. Palm divination consists of two complementary studies:

CHIROGNOMY - analysis of the general appearance of the hand. It informs about character and inclinations. From the left palm one reads information about a person's temperament, personality and advantages and disadvantages. The right palm, on the other hand, determines a person's attitudes and choices. It is called the palm of free will for a reason.

CHIROLOGY - a detailed analysis of the inside of the palm. It allows you to see into the future. Predictions of fate are made from the hand, which for a person is the guiding hand in writing. The lines on this hand visualize the destiny of a person.  

What do the hands say?

Examination of the hands begins with determining their shape and structure, as well as the condition and color of the skin. The various components indicate specific characteristics of a person.  

Shape and structure of the hand:

square - decisiveness

rectangular - gentleness and forbearance

flat - prudence and stubbornness in beliefs

concave - uncertainty and secretiveness

large - reliability

small - high ambition

wide - industriousness

slender - doing only what one likes and needs to do

muscular - energy and lack of tact

plump - sensitivity and delicacy

bony - dryness and suspiciousness

Skin condition:

smooth - sensitivity

moist - nervousness

wrinkled - timidity

dry - oppressiveness

hard - intelligence

soft - laziness

Skin color:

pink - cheerfulness, good health

red - explosiveness and conflictiveness

yellow - jealousy and hypocrisy, problems with the liver and bile ducts

golden (gently iridescent) - energy and resourcefulness

pale - helplessness

white - forbearance

earthy - stubbornness

blue - obstinacy and bitterness

During the examination, the length and shape of the fingers and thumb are also analyzed, and even the condition of the nails is taken "under the magnifying glass".  

The future written in the hand

The arrangement of lines on the hands is unique, as are the fingerprint lines. During a chirological examination, their length, structure, shape and whether they intersect or overlap are interpreted.

The main lines on the hands:

LIFE line - informs about life energy

HEAD line - describes intellectual abilities

HEART line - reflects emotionality and sentimentality

SATURN line - tells about the course of life, happiness and problems

MERCURY line - describes the state of health

MARRIAGE line - describes the stability of feelings in relationships

That's not all! When analyzing the inside of the hand, a number of auxiliary lines, the so-called hills, named after the planets, and special signs are also taken into account. Only a holistic interpretation allows to know the fate of a person.

Chiromancy is a fascinating, but also vast subject. It is certainly worth exploring in more depth. If you are interested in a detailed analysis of your palm, please contact us.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Radiesthesia- science or magic?

 Radiesthesia - science or magic?

In nature, everything emits energy - from flowing water and natural resources, to objects, to ourselves and the other person. Radiesthesia makes it possible to perceive this energy and interpret it.  

Radiesthesia, called wandology, is a sensitivity to various types of vibrations and radiations that occur in the world, but are inaccessible to our senses. They affect us positively or not. The term was introduced in the 1930s by French priest-radiologist Abbé Alexis Bouly. Measuring instruments - a wand or pendulum - are used to identify hidden energy.

Does radiesthesia work?

The history of radiesthesia dates back thousands of years before our era. However, it was not until 1968 that it was recognized as a science and included in the UNESCO register. This happened due to numerous scientific researches and experiments that yielded positive results. In Poland, radiesthesia is a legally recognized profession, which requires certain qualifications and passing a state exam. Radiesthesists are called upon to locate harmful irradiated places (for example, water veins) and even search for unexploded bombs from the war. They most often use a wand to do this. But many radiesthesists offer a much broader range of their services. They use radiesthesia to diagnose diseases, search for missing persons, or bioenergy therapy. They use a pendulum for this. Here a dispute arises between dedicated supporters and staunch opponents of radiesthesia, who, in short, deny its effectiveness. Nevertheless, the assumption that radiesthesia works and is empirically based in some circumstances and not in others seems unlikely.

Dispute with the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church considers radiesthesia a sin against the First Commandment. Thus, it admits that radiesthesia produces results, although it attributes this to demonic forces. This stands in contrast to science, which proves that everything in the universe emits energy. And this is what radiesthesists rely on in their work. This also does not mean that they ignore the presence of demonic energy. On the contrary! For this reason, there is a whole range of recommendations that should be followed during radiesthesia. This is especially important when communicating with one's own energy, and even more important when communicating with the energy of another person. In the second case, it is best to abandon practice on your own at all. Under no circumstances should you attempt to contact the dead!

Magic or science?

Arguments indicate that radiesthesia is a full-fledged science. However, regardless of how we perceive it, as long as it helps and, above all, does not harm us or anyone else it is worth using. This opinion is also agreed with by some Catholic priests and clergymen, who see in radiesthesia a "gift" that should be used, but judiciously. It is worth calling a radiesthesiologist when we want to put up a house. Harmful radiation from water veins will prevent us from having a peaceful, restorative sleep. Therefore, it is a good idea to determine the place where our house should stand. In turn, it is worth grabbing a pendulum, for example, when we are sick. At that time, gaps appear in our biofield. When set in motion, the pendulum emits vibrations that fill in these deficits. These are just two examples of the wise use of radiesthesia that will improve the quality of our lives. And there are many more!

What is a love ritual?

 What is a love ritual?

It is one of the most powerful esoteric procedures, the purpose of which is to bring together and unite two souls whose destinies will attract each other for the rest of their lives. It also causes individuals to succumb to love more easily and to feel each other's feelings more readily. The entwined persons begin to feel a special bond between them. This ritual also causes a certain part of us to be in another person, and a certain part of him in us, so something like the separation of the two souls distresses even more, because without the other person we are unable to comprehend the fullness of happiness...The effect of such a ritual never goes away, so you must be fully determined and aware of what you are undertaking...In the end, it is your fate to be entwined with the other person forever.

The ritual is not one of the easiest, it is very complicated and the person performing it must be experienced in what he is doing.

Love ritual - a recipe for love

Focus, I will now give you an introduction to the love spell recipe. It consists of three separate rituals and is performed one week and two weeks apart. For the ritual to reach its full power, it is necessary that the person ordering it also perform a simplified version of the ritual. This will ensure that the power is directed to that person and to the person who is to be the object of the ritual.

It is very important to take care of a number of factors, not only should the right candles be used, but also to choose the right days and times and even the phase of the moon. The room and the direction to which the altar on which the ritual will be performed also matters. First of all, before starting the ritual, thoroughly air out the apartment and choose your favorite place where you feel best and safest. If you don't have one, then before getting down to anything, first perform the ritual of cleansing the apartment. This is a very important process! Don't forget about it, and remember that the cleansing ritual can only be performed if the Moon is waning, and the love ritual when it is full...Otherwise, these processes won't work...Another important point is your health and emotions. Take care of your well-being, if you feel bad or are sad do not perform the ritual, because the bad energy emanating from you will only worsen the situation and the ritual will not work out.
Conjure up love for yourself!

You already have the first introduction, so how do you even get down to it all and perform a love ritual? First of all, you need one candle in red or white (if the candle is white, be sure to tie the candle holder with a red ribbon or string), a candle holder, a spoon of honey, a piece of paper and something red to write on. If you already have all this, then set the candle in the center of your altar on which you perform the ritual. Light the candle, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think to yourself that you are a special person who wants the right partner or partner to come into your life. On a piece of paper write what the purpose of your spell is, or you can use the symbols of the Sun and Moon or Mars and Venus. Place the card in front of a burning candle and use your fingers to spread honey on your lips, then touch your finger to the candle, leaving the excess honey on your fingers. You can also pronounce a secret incantation. Then touch your fingers to your lips and transfer some of the honey to a piece of paper and leave it on your altar, in front of the lit candle. When the candle burns out completely, fold the piece of paper into four parts and hide it in a safe place. If you find it after some time, and your lover is already with you, then thank him for granting the request and burn the note in the flame. The most important thing, as I've mentioned before, is to make sure before starting the ritual that the person you want to attract is not currently in a happy relationship...this can, lead to many unpleasant consequences for you. During the ritual, however, it is best not to think about anyone in particular. Let the universe direct everything!

The Internet is teeming with proven love spells, but you should also be wary of those that are not necessarily written by someone who knows magic. In this way, you can inadvertently harm yourself or simply lose a lot of precious time. Only by performing white magic do you have a chance of success in love!

Friday, June 5, 2020

 How do the planets rule the world?

 How do the planets rule the world?

It's hard not to agree that the planets have their share in creating human humor, they can weaken or, on the contrary, intensify the effects of certain diseases or ailments. Just observe how much influence the Moon itself has on the tides. If it rules something as vast as the oceans, what about when it comes to ourselves. A depressing, overcast, rainy day takes away our will to do things. However, when the sun comes out from behind the clouds the situation changes completely. Many people have trouble falling asleep when the moon is full. We know this, don't we?

Do we know which celestial bodies are more strongly associated with us and which planetary movements we should pay special attention to? Each of us is assigned a guardian associated with our zodiac sign, which reveals who we really are deep inside.

    THE SUN - it may not be a planet - but it gives life to all beings inhabiting our planet. It rules over the sign of the Lion.
    THE MOON is strongly connected with the emotional part of our being, moods as well as instinct. Few know that it is connected to the mother. Our primal instincts, habits or drives depend on the phase the Moon is in. The sign of Cancer belongs to it.
    MERCURY - is a special planet, governing communication and commerce. People who were born while Mercury was in their sign are extremely expressive and communicative. This planet lends itself to such values as reason and objective analysis. Mercury takes care of the signs of Virgo and Twins.
    VENUS - the wonderful planet of love, creativity and beauty in general. For centuries she has inspired creators of romance and art. People born while Venus was in their sign are endowed with additional advantages, such as attractiveness, which attracts people to them, but also takes care of their wealth. This planet rules Libra and Taurus.
    MARS - is responsible for energy, but also aggression. It makes us emotional at times to excess. As a result, we are sometimes exhausted, but beware - we can instead succeed in a field that interests us. Mars is responsible for Aries as well as Scorpio.
    IOVIS - loves free thinkers, gives happiness, opportunity and optimism. Charges us with energy for large-scale activities. It allows us to realize our dreams by giving us a chance to grow and develop. Any sign can have Jupiter in its system, but it happens once every twelve years. Jupiter especially takes care of Sagittarius.
    SATURN - a harsh tyrant, a giant among the planets, but unlike Jupiter, he brings us limitations. He is the symbol of all adversity and learning from the lessons that fate brings us. He takes care of Capricorn and Aquarius.
    URAN - unyielding until we succeed. It is the planet of change and rebellion, however, guiding us along the rungs of success. Also the protector of Aquarius.
    NEPTUN - tributes to imagination, illusion and self-deception. Often associated with human weaknesses, as with the abuse of all kinds of destructive substances, such as drugs. However, it is not entirely negative, as it forces us to be sensitive and self-disciplined. It rules the sign of Pisces.
    PLUTON - although no longer recognized as a planet for years, is most strongly associated with spirituality, the occult, sex and death. It is sometimes associated with unconsciousness, but people born under this celestial body seek answers, especially in the realm of spirituality. It rules Scorpio.

White magic spell- real spells

 White magic - real love spells and more

Spells, or rather rituals, are an integral part of white magic. Any magician, wishing to perform a ritual, should prepare for it properly. There is no official recipe for the preparation process, however, it is known that casting a spell or incantation, requires concentration, tranquility and making contact with the four elements. Below I will give you some rituals that are useful in everyday life, you can perform them on yourself or another person, but remember that they must always be aimed at doing good, and never at harming someone else.  
    Put seven coriander seeds into a mortar. As you grind them, think of the people you want to unite with the bonds of love. Say the names of the people you want to bestow mutual love three times and say the incantation: "warm heart, warm soul, may they stay together forever." Then take a new (unused) glass, pour water into it and pour in crushed coriander. Raise your hands above the glass, concentrate and ask the elements in your mind for help. Say with conviction and faith the incantation: "let it happen!" and outline the sign of the cross over the glass. Set the glass with the liquid aside for 12 hours, and after that time, add the liquid to the food that the people who are going to fall in love with each other will eat.

    Ask the person who wants someone specific to fall in love with to write a sincere love letter. Later, she should carry the letter by her heart for more than an hour, then take it on her and arrange it on a red cloth accompanied by three red roses and three red lit candles. Close your eyes and make contact with the elements (especially the element of fire) and imagine a loving scene between two lovers. Repeat the ritual for three days at the same time. After this time, tell the person who wrote the letter to sprinkle it lightly with her perfume and send it to the man who is supposed to fall in love with her.

With love spells, however, you must be careful! They must not lead to the breakup of another relationship, nor must they be directed at lovers/lovers. Breaking up someone's relationship (including a person's own, who wants someone other than his/her partner/partner to fall in love with him/her), trying to "force" the affection of someone who already loves another person, involves harming someone. White magic in such a case will not only not work, but may turn against the person who wanted the ritual to be performed.  
    Go to nature with the person from whom you want to ward off evil powers (whom you want to protect from misfortune). Take off your shoes, or when that's not possible (e.g. in winter), put your hands on the ground. Focus and ask the earth element to listen to the spell. The person who is with you should also be focused and muted. Say three times, "all that is bad, let it seep into the earth, all that is bad, let it turn into good."
    Sit in a quiet, comfortable place. Calm down, breathe deeply, concentrate on communicating with the elements. Evoke in your mind an image of the person you want to surround with protection. Make three very deep inhalations and exhalations, say the incantation: "here and now I am unity, existence. The elemental forces unite in my heart, which supports the entire universe and is now with you (add the name of the person you are casting a protection spell on)."

White magic - spells for wealth

    Ask the person on whom you want to send wealth to prepare four coins, and prepare a green candle and a bowl of water. Sit together at a table with a lit candle and water on it. Calm yourselves and breathe deeply. Make contact with the elements. Put coins into the bowl of water. Let the person you are casting the spell on imagine the money filling their hands. After a few minutes of concentration, remove the coins from the water and direct the owner to spend them the same day. Pour out the water, saying the words: "every money spent returns to (name) multiplied".

    Go to the house of a person who wishes to be rich. Take with you a mixture containing a tablespoon of coffee, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of cinnamon. At the home of the person you are casting the spell on, heat the mixture in a pan until it starts to smoke. Cover the apartment by walking clockwise along the walls, starting at the front door. While performing this ritual, repeat: "money come to (name) easily, quickly and joyfully from all sides. May material prosperity and abundance, constantly accompany (name). May (name) be wealthy and always have a wallet full of money."